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Diarrea: 6 consejos para combatirla

black tea against diarrhea

El té negro es útil contra la diarrea leve.


Por desgracia, la diarrea puede ser un efecto adverso en los pacientes con cáncer. Es perjudicial para tu salud y un motivo de preocupación. La diarrea se define como la deposición de heces semilíquidas o líquidas, tres o más veces al día. Los alimentos sólidos y líquidos pasan a través del intestino demasiado deprisa, de manera que el cuerpo no puede absorber suficientes nutrientes y agua, lo que puede llevar a desnutrición y deshidratación.

Algunos tratamientos oncológicos afectan a ciertas partes del intestino, pero la diarrea también puede estar causada por el propio cáncer, las infecciones, el estrés, los medicamentos utilizados para tratar el estreñimiento u otros fármacos como los antibióticos.

¡Consulta inmediatamente a tu equipo médico si sufres diarrea! Aunque estés tomando medicamentos, puedes elegir los alimentos para adaptarlos a tus síntomas y contrarrestarlos.  

Prueba a seguir estos consejos para atenuar la diarrea: 

1. Bebe suficiente agua

The most important one: Drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration and absorb fluids lost through diarrhea. Ideally, chose beverages containing electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium), for example, oral rehydration solutions (ORS) or simple sugar-salt solutions (SSS) recommended by the WHO. A recipe for a simple home made Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) can be found below:

Mix together: 

  • 1 L of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml)
  • 6 level teaspoons of sugar
  • 4 tsp. sugar
  • 1/2 level teaspoon of salt
  • If possible, add 1/2 cup orange juice or some mashed banana to improve the taste and provide some potassium. 

Stir the mixture till the salt and sugar dissolve. There are also ready-made powders for dissolving in water.
Avoid drinks with caffeine. These include regular coffee, tea, some sodas, and chocolate. Avoid also drinks that have a lot of sugar, such as regular soda and fruit punch and avoid very hot or very cold drinks or apple juice. 

2. Less but more often

Switch to five or six small meals instead of three larger ones. Eat meals low in fiber to avoid faster bowel movements, such as potatoes or rice. Yeast bread and bananas contain high levels of sodium and potassium to compensate for the losses through diarrhea.

3. Eat low-fiber foods

Low-fiber foods include plain or vanilla yogurt, white toast, and white rice.

4. Boiled rather than raw

Avoid whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes (beans and peas), dried fruits, and raw fruits and vegetables. Boiled vegetables are more easily digestible. 

Home remedy: Moro’s carrot soup: 

  • Boil 500 g (17.6 oz.) peeled carrots for a full hour and then purée them.
  • Add boiled water to make a liter (34 oz.)
  • Add 3 g (~ 1 teaspoon) of salt.

5. Drop laxative foods

Avoid food and liquid that worsen diarrhea – that includes high-fiber meals, sugary drinks, fatty or spicy foods, gas-inducing food like beans or raw foods, dairy products (check the lactose content), alcohol, caffeine, and sweeteners like xylitol or sorbitol.

6. Seek medical advice

If you have had diarrhea for more than 24 hours, consult your doctor: You may need special medication or intravenous fluids to replace the lost fluids. Never medicate yourself.